Tag Archives: encouragement

“Eye” Thank You


I thank you for caring and     remembering me.

I thank you for listening when no one else would.

I thank you for your words of strength and encouragement. Words that were sometimes delivered sweet and other times, so sharp that it stung, but bought me back to reality.

I thank you for seeing me, for whom I am and not my disability, my flaws or weaknesses.

I thank you for believing in me, and helping me to pursue my dreams.

I thank you for forgiving me and my harsh words spoken in anger, pain and rage.

I thank you for feeding me when when I had not the strength or heart to care.

Most of all, I thank you for loving me, when I forgot to love myself. For keeping me sane when its easy to spiral into emptiness. For you continuous support and strength.

Be grateful and thankful for all whom has helped you in your life. Love yourself and others, and you will be able to receive the most out of life. Yes, we all have hard days, weeks months or even years, but you will survive and for surviving you can be grateful for achieving a milestone.